Prayer Opening And Closing In Exercise Tapak Suci

Conclusion In the opening prayer and the Tapak Suci Exercise. Before doing exercises in the Tapak Suci, it is compulsory for members to read a prayer while sitting tradition of opening and closing.

Here is a prayer that is read when seated tradition

Opening prayer :

Radhiitubillaahi robba,
Wabil Islaami diina,
Wabimmuhammadinnabiyya wa rasuula,
Rabbi zidnii 'ilmawarzuqni Fahma.

This means :

With the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, the Merciful, I have sincere, Allah is my Lord. And I have sincere Islam become my religion. And I have sincere, Muhammad was a Prophet and Messenger. Ya Allah, add My science and exalt intelligence (understand) me.

Closing prayer :

Allaahumma arinil haqqa haqqan,
Warzuqnit tibaa'ah,
Wa arinil baathila baathilaan,
Warzuqnij tinaabah,

This means :

In the name of Allah the Merciful again loving, O God, reveal to the servants, that (stuff) haq (truth) will remain true. And bestowed slave power to put it into practice. And show servants, that (stuff) falsehood will remain false. And give strength to leave her servant. O God, graciously request servants. All the obeisance and Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

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