Symbol Meaning Tapak Suci

Symbol meaning Tapak Suci. Tapak Suci means is Determined asthma glorify GOD Almighty, eternal and immortal. With courage spread fragrance perfectly. With accomplish Purity Pillars of Islam and pillars of faith. Prioritize closeness and honesty with humility.

Tapak Suci is a martial art that has been widely known in Indonesia and in other countries. One of them in the country the Netherlands, many Dutch people who have studied martial arts Tapak Suci this. Martial Tapak Suci at this stage as students, cadres to warrior. For more details please visit Rankings Tapak Suci below. Tapak Suci to have symbols in each form has its own meaning. Is as follows:

Symbol Meaning Tapak Suci

  1. Shape rounded edges means determined, namely the strong-willed and determined to practice.
  2. The blue color of the basic means of grandeur, which has a noble personal.
  3. Culminate black means that is eternal.
  4. The right palm means virtue, namely a fighter Tapak Suci should be a good example for others.
  5. Roses means fragrance, namely to maintain and uphold the good name of honor Tapak Suci.
  6. The red color in the rose meaning of courage, that uphold truth and falsehood knock down.
  7. Color white jasmine flowers means purity, cleanliness is the soul of a fighter Tapak Suci.
  8. Jasmine totaled eleven means that the number of the pillars of faith and the pillars of Islam.
  9. Hand open means honesty, ie abstain from hypocrisy.
  10. The sun means enlightenment, which indicates as Son of Muhammadiyah.
  11. Rose petals with green that means perfection, that human beings are perfect is God who must thankful bounty.
  12. The meeting fingered means closeness, which is a close friendship without distinction - distinguishing between the members of Tapak Suci.
  13. The thumb is flexed means humility, which never boasted to others

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