Variation Crossing in Winning Eleven 10 Ps2

Zatinet - Variation Crossing in Winning Eleven 10 Ps2. Not deny again play attack through the wings are more effective than the center, so many we lovers who rely on the crossing-crossing from the left side and the right side and the result was quite satisfactory, almost of all participants of the tournament winning eleven internationally utilizing the wings to attack ,

Crossing-crossing fitting will allow the striker to score goals, but we know all the lovers when crossing the wining eleven ps2 has several variations? All of these variations are very useful for the lover we often play through wing side.

Tips tricks Crossing in Winning Eleven 10

I will explain some of the variation in winning eleven crossing based on your and my experience playing winning eleven. Consider the following steps:

1. button O (1x)

This trick is that most known lovers we, because if we attack from the right side and want to feed to the front of the goal we just press O once. But the goal accuracy rate just a few percentage points because the ball just inside the bait regardless position comrades in the penalty box.

2. Button O (2x)

Compared with the first variation of the second variation was likely more goal percentage, because the ball will be at the crossing in the direction of our players stand. I recommend to familiarize use this variation as often as possible when playing we10 especially for beginners usual with the O button once. If we already accustomed lovers using a variation of this I am sure there will be a difference in the appeal of the first crossing of variation.

3. Button O (3x)

Unlike the previous variations in this third step if we press the O button three times then the ball will be at a flat crossing. This is an effective way to remove your goalkeeper did own goal or suicide. But this technique is more difficult because it must have the proper Timing.

4 . Button O + L1

In this fourth variation tend ball hard and sharp crosses. Similarly, the second variation, this technique can be said more perfect, but we must be observant to see the position players who are in front of the goal.

All four of these variations have advantages that each depending foresight we see the position of our players will welcome the ball. For starters I suggest you practice using a variation of no 1 and 2, after the upgrade to the advanced variation no 3 and 4.

How, if you already enlightened about crossing variation in winning eleven ps2? If not I will shorten the above explanation.

Variation I: Button O (1x) = Standard
Variation II: Key O (2x) = Accuracy 70%
Variation III: Button O (3x) = flat
Variation IV: Keys O + L1 = Accuracy 80%

Often practice and play against the master we are above our ability to add experience and attention to the style of play and their techniques. Thus the quality of our game will improve. Hopefully you understand with the tutorial above, I feel pretty up here first and if there is not understood please inquire directly at the comments column.

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