How To Get Your Child To Be Smart

Zatinet - How to get your child to be smart. As we realize that someone could Ingenuity is the greatest gift of the almighty creator of the universe. Behind it all turned out the factors that influence a child's intelligence is also determined by the environment.

There are many things that can make children smarter, of course, in addition to studying at school. Some ways you can do to make children smarter, is as follows:

How To Get Your Child To Be Smart

1. Getting rid of fast food

Reduce your intake of sugar, trans fats from fast food and replace it with a highly nutritious food that is good for the development of early childhood mental and motor function in the development of children in the first 1-2 years of age. For example, children need iron for healthy brain tissue development, children with iron deficiency would be slow to receive a stimulus.

2. Developing curiosity

Experts say parents who show curiosity in children will encourage children to look for new ideas, thus stimulating children to think. Teach children new skills and education outside the home also can develop a child's curiosity and intellectual.

3. Make a habit of reading

Reading is the easiest way to improve learning and cognitive development of children of all ages. This can begin with children often read a bedtime story and often give children gifts of books that could attract attention.

4. Play games thinking

Chess, crossword puzzles in addition to fun also supports children's thinking strategies, how to solve problems, and make complex decisions. For children aged under five could be given a toy that is educational like putting blocks into the building and play puzzle.

5. Playing music

Playing music in addition to fun also can stimulate the growth of the right brain. According to a study at the University of Toronto, holding music lessons could give you an advantage in improving a child's IQ and academic performance. The longer it is used to play music then the resulting effect is also getting bigger.

6. Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the most basic brain food. Researchers consistently demonstrate a variety of benefits that relate to the growth of breastfed babies. Children who consume exclusively breastfed will have a higher level of intelligence compared with children who are breastfed only a few months.

7. Familiarize exercising

Researchers at the University of Illinois showed a strong relationship between fitness and academic achievement among elementary school children. The more fit the children, the body's ability to absorb the lessons also increased. Should encourage children to engage in physical activity or certain sports organizations in accordance with the interests of children.

8. Teaches confidence

Parents should promote the spirit and optimism of the kids. Participating in team sports or social activities will help improve the child's self confidence among his friends.

9. Providing a healthy breakfast

The researchers assured that eating a healthy breakfast will improve memory and concentration of children in learning. Children who are not accustomed to breakfast tend to be more irritable and less concentration on study time, while children who eat breakfast will stay focused and engaged during school hours.

So a few ways to make your child smarter faster. Hopefully this article can be useful for all of you.

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