Failed Vacation? Do the 5 Things Here
Zatinet - Already planning everything for the holidays from buying luggage, diving equipment, and preparing savings, but it ended up failing? Sad and disappointed of course reasonable, especially if it has been preparing everything with care since months earlier. But what ya want to sad to seven days and seven nights?
Instead of continuing to bite the fingers, better think about what to do with all the equipment already purchased and the expenses incurred. Do not get when it has failed traveling, finance is also a mess. So what to do when a vacation fails? Check out the steps from below:
1. Return of ticket purchase
The first thing to take care of when planning a vacation is usually a transport ticket. When the vacation is canceled, immediately cancel the ticket to the place where you bought it.This should be done as soon as possible if you do not want the money burned. Indeed, usually the money already spent to buy tickets is usually not refundable 100 percent. But it's good to be back 50 percent though. Than not at all?
Note also the rules of ticket refund in each of the sales agents, because it must be different policies. So, do not be surprised if it turns out tickets can not be returned in the expected form.
2. Leave
When going to vacation, especially for a longer period of time, definitely have to take a leave of absence from the office. Typically, the year's quota of leave is between 12-18 days.Well, if already submitted vacation leave for vacation, can lose if the holiday was canceled. For that, immediately cancel the leave that has been submitted to the HRD so know if you failed to travel.
3. Calculate spending
This one is probably the least lazy to do because it deals with calculations. But, you better record all the money that has been spent for a failed vacation plan. Calculate the total expenditure.What for? Yes at least, by knowing the nominal that you have to spend it, you so know how about the money lost. That way, you can save more in the next month to patch up losses.
4. Take advantage of holiday money that is not used
The plus side is the existing savings or budgets so it remains intact. Do not emotionally use the budget to entertain a sad heart. For example, because of the disappointment canceled the holiday, the budget eventually spent just for shopping or fun.These savings can be used for delayed vacation plans. Or even can be diverted to increase investment. To be sure, do not spend on consumptive purposes.
5. Do not be sorry
No one can predict what will happen tomorrow. When the vacation plan must be canceled for one reason or another, so just graciously accept the chest.No need to regret the goods that have been purchased specifically for the preparation of the holiday. Yes, let's say they are investments for the next vacation plan.
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