How to Block Or Eliminate Ad Telkom Indihome Speedy Uzone

Zatinet - Many Internet users who use ISP service from Telkom Speedy and Indihome. This is because the quality is good and also reliable not only that the coverage of Telkom Indihome / Speedy already covers a considerable area than other services this is certainly a plus for ISP service this one so it is no wonder why many people who use it on currently.

The above is an example of the advantages of Telkom Indihome / Speedy although the above advantages have been very helpful for users who have homes in areas that are difficult to access the internet although Telkom is also experiencing shortages and sometimes also make the ISP service users are upset, there are some things that make the Users sometimes upset among others, namely:

If the customer revokes the internet subscription then the phone will also be revoked
Telkom inserts its ads in the form of Uzone or Uadexchange without the consent of the customer
These ads are very annoying very annoying Internet users

If all the policies of Telkom above is very annoying, especially about the policy about advertising and if you feel the same is disrupted this time I will explain how to block these ads so as not to appear on your Blog / Website please refer to the following steps.

How to Delete Telkom Speedy Indihome Ads at Bottom while Browsing (Wifi Speedy Indihome)

1. Open the etc folder
The trick is:
Click the C partition
After that select Windows
Select it and click System32
Then select Drivers
Click etc

2. If the folder is already opened there are many files you choose file named hosts with notepad. If it is then it will look like a screenshot below

3. If all the above have been done then please copy this code down

4. Once it has been copied, the result will be as shown below

5. The last step you need to do is click Save / Save

6. Done

After doing the steps above, then the ad from telkom speedy / indihome will not interfere your browsing again. And of course your browsing process will be more comfortable and also will not be disturbed.

So Many Ways To Eliminate UZone Ads on Telkom Indihome / Speedy with Easy Ampuh may be useful and hopefully can help if there is perlua in question or there is a way that is not clear please ask in the comments field already provided.

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