It turns Out That The Old Marriage Is Not Strong And Happy

There are still many people think, a longstanding marriage in the long term, a marker that the marriage could be considered to be strong and happy.

In fact, there are no written rules or strong theory to prove that the marriage has lasted a long decisive a strong marriage. Marriage longstanding need a variety of contextual factors that can really become a strong marriage.

Love, relationships, and marriage is a complicated problem. There are many couples who were married only to tolerate one another or for various reasons, such as finance and child.

What makes a person fall in love at first may not last long onwards. It can lead to boredom, resentment, dissatisfaction, and panic. However, it also can bring a sense of trust, secure, and love that continues to evolve over time, no matter what happens to the couple.

Then, what is the strength of the marriage? The survival of a marriage is determined by the relationship between two couples in it. This relationship has no expiration, also on probation.

A healthy marriage is a marriage that lived happily by both the partner in it. If one of the parties had been feeling unhappy, in fact the marriage has ended, either for your new married for five months, or 25 years.
However, divorce is obviously not an easy thing to do. There are many factors why a person experiences great pressure when deciding to divorce, especially when the marriage has been running for a long time.

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