Look result if Frequent Watch Porn Video on Android

Zatinet - A latest facts reveal that watching porn videos on Android devices seem to be against malware. This is caused by the presence of hundreds of applications to lure watch free porn on the Google Play Store.

Citing information pages Mirror, Thursday (19/05/2016), the application can spread malware created by hackers to steal data or even money from smartphone users.

Dell security analyst, Alex Dubrovsky, revealed that these applications can impersonate the application 'lock screen' which also provides links to adult sites.

"We have found more than 100 applications that are suspected to spread malware. We'll find out who the tenants of this application. What they do is very detrimental to many parties, "said Dubrovsky.

Malware is distributed of these applications even present in the older operating system Android devices, such as Gingerbread and Jellybean.

To handle this, Google and other technology companies have also been updating their systems periodically to protect the device from malware attacks.

Even so, Dubrovsky said that this issue is still in the stage that can still be addressed. He appealed, users should filter the apps you want to install and ensure its credibility from being harmed.

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